Did your team lose the big game in overtime? Just saw your wife's latest Target receipt? Played like crap at your company golf tournament and now Brad won't stop talking about it? Is today the day your promised to put together that piece of Ikea furniture? Just throw your back out because your buddy was too cheap to hire movers?
Sound like your need THE MAN BATH.
Each Man Bath is chock-full of Magnesium Flakes for joint & muscle pain relief, improved skin health, decreased stress, and can help you to relax for a better night's sleep.
Our Bath Kit also includes a Sandalwood Vibe which can increase mental clarity, boost immunity, relieve anxiety & depression, and is a natural aphrodisiac! Other oils included are Cyprus and Lavender. Cyprus can help to heal wounds & eliminate odor, while Lavender promotes relaxation. Mix all these oils together and you'll smell like a sexy lumberjack who just emerged from the Manly Forest for Men.
What's that you say? Bathing is for women? We beg to differ! What's more attractive than a happy & relaxed man, who smells amazing, and isn't afraid of a little self care? Nothing. The answer is nothing.
So, grab some Man Baths now through the end of April while they are 40% off! And, if you buy a couple Mama Detox's for your significant other while you're at it maybe you won't be taking your next Man Bath solo... just a thought.