What's a grom? A grom is a young kid, usually under the age of 15, that likes to surf, skateboard, snowboard, dirt bike etc.
We know how hard your grom can play, and we wanted to make sure we had a Bath Kit to make them feel special too. Introducing, the Grom Soak!
Mix up your special Bath Potion with all the right clean ingredients to help aid your grom's natural detoxification system... over a half pound of SALTS to help boost immunity, a citrus smelling VIBE to elevate mood and help to heal any rashes or scratches, lavender essential oil to help calm the mind for a better night's sleep, and a new SQUISHY friend to make everything more fun!
Plus, some undistracted one-on-one time with your grom's favorite person (YOU) will make every bath time an adventure!
PS Be on the lookout for any new superpowers... sometimes they sneak in through the water!